Who am I?

Always in the pursuit of crafting the ultimate online experience, I am an avid web developer that thrives at the intersection of technology and design. I believe the rapid pace of emerging web technologies never allows for a dull moment. Unlocking the potential of new technologies and refining them into a sleek new user experience is what I aspire to, and am inspired by.


  • Javascript
  • MongoDB
  • Node.js
  • React
  • HTML5

What have I worked on?

Here are some of my personal projects.


A social platform for developers to create a profile/portfolio, share posts and get help from other devs.


A tumblr clone where users can create and like blog posts, follow their friends and reblog entertaining content.

Boss Battle Trivia

A front-end exploration of Javascript and HTML Canvas by way of an interactive trivia game.


A team-built web application where users can settle disputes over conflicting trivia knowledge and track the outcomes.